Azure AD login for linux and windows(on premise)

                                 Azure AD login for linux and windows(on premise)

In this blog I will explain how to login to your on-premise Linux and windows instances using your Azure AD credentials without any need of on-premise AD.

First let us see how to do it in ubuntu:

For ubuntu we will be using ADAL for nodejs for implementing this.

You can get the code from the git-repo here, 

move to your home directory,

$ cd ~

$ git clone

$ cd adal-for-linux/adal-auth-ubuntu/aad-login


Now before running the script we need details of the Azure AD name and native application client ID.

To get your directory name just login to Azure active directory and switch to users and select the user for whom the access is needed.

The user name has a mail ID like

here is your directory name. If you give it like in other documents it wont work. This is the easiest way to find your directory name if  your organization uses multiple domain and directory.

Next switch to your Azure AD home => Enterprise application => new application => Create your own application => Register an application you're working on to integrate with Azure AD => name of the application.

Then for redirect url option select native and url as localhost://3000  and click register.

Now you have a native application configured for adal authentication now open the newly created application and on the overview copy the Application ID which is the Client ID.

Few more things to keep in mind are you need to give this application to 
1. access the directory as signed in user [admin user is preferred ie., you do all this using your Azure admin user portal]  and 
2. To read the directory data.

To do this click on API permissions and add the permissions search for Azure AD graph [ at the time of this blog Azure AD graph was on depreciation so you might need to use Microsoft graph API in future]

and select the above said two permissions.

The most important thing here is to select the highlighted option in the image and give admin consent to the your organization otherwise the authentication wont work.

Also you need to set a permanent password for the user by changing the temporary password.

We are all done now go to the cloned repo path and install the script as told above.

you should now be able to login to on-premise linux instance with Azure AD credentials both ssh and GUI.


It is as simple as that just connect your organisation in the settings window in windows,
